Will the protected areas in Bulgaria remain?

Анализ на основните документи и управленски действия по изпълнение на задълженията на България за изграждане и управление на екологичната мрежа „Натура 2000“ потвърждава сериозните натрупани проблеми и пропуски в осигуряване защитата на редица видове и местообитания у нас. Той е изготвен от екип учени и експерти от природозащитни организации и бе представен вчера на специална пресконференция.

Brussels Hosts Pan-EU Debate Contest Final and #ClimateOfChange Circus Show

The #ClimateOfChange project will take over the city of Brussels from 10 to 13 November with a thrilling line-up of events to raise awareness about the links between migration, climate change and youth. Coinciding with the week of the COP26, #ClimateOfChange will bring young people from all around the block to the heart of the EU institutions to participate in the final Pan-EU Debate Contest. In parallel, the contemporary circus of #ClimateOfChange will be closing its European tour in Brussels those days with a nightly performance.

Mini Art Fest 11 Program

Here is the full program of "Mini Art Fest 11 #ClimateOfChange"! You can visit circus workshops, numerous performances and art installations, and the focus is on July 24 and 25 at 8 pm with the circus performance "WeLand" by "MagdaClan" from Italy. Free entry for all events.

#ClimateOfChange: Contemporary circus show highlights the connection between climate change and migration

Seven artists and acrobats, four musicians, an impressive set design and many stories to tell. These are just some of the numbers of the outdoor contemporary circus show of #ClimateOfChange, the communication campaign led by WeWorld, created to raise awareness amongst youth on the link between climate change and migration. The first stop of the show is in Sofia on July 23, 24 and 25 in front of the Academic Stadium.